Love and Happiness – Al Green:歌詞及意思



#1 歌曲
#2 歌詞
#3 翻唱

歌曲被收錄於專輯《I’m Still in Love with You》

Love and Happiness (1972) – Al Green

Love and happiness (yeah)
Something that can make you do wrong
Make you do right

Love and Happiness (1972) – Al Green

歌曲 Love and Happiness,由 美國歌手 Al Green 在1972年唱出。歌曲長達5分07秒, 類型屬於5分07秒, 填詞作曲由 Al Green 及 Teenie Hodges,歌曲被收錄於專輯《I’m Still in Love with You》。期後,歌曲被《滾石》雜誌列入500首最佳歌曲之一。

Al Green 形容歌曲 Love 愛情 及 Happiness 開心兩者混在一起就像充滿爆炸性的化學物一樣,兩者的時機及份量都很重要。


填詞作曲由 Al Green 及 Teenie Hodges

Love and happiness (yeah)
Something that can make you do wrong
Make you do right

Love and happiness

Something’s going wrong
Someone’s on the phone
Three o’clock in the morning
Talking about how she can make it right (well)

Happiness is when you really feel good about somebody
There’s nothing wrong
Bing in love with someone
(Yeah, Oh baby)

Love and happiness
(Love and happiness)

Love and happiness
(Love and happiness)

You be good to me
I’ll be good to you
We’ll be together
We’ll see each other
Walk away with victory

Love and happiness
(Love and happiness)

Make you do right
Love’ll make you do wrong
Make you come home early
Make you stay out all night long
The power of love
(Wait a minute, let me tell you)
The power of love
The power …
Make you do right
Love’ll make you do wrong

Love’ll make you wanna dance and sing
Make you wanna dance

Love and happiness

Love is…
(Wait a minute)
Love is…
Walkin’ together
Talkin’ together
Singin’ together
Prayin’ together
Say, I wanna moan, say .
Moan for love, I say …
Let me moan for love, I say …
Wanna moan for love
Talkin’ about the power …

