Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag – James Brown:歌詞及意思



後期加工 // 原圖片來源自: Heinrich Klaffs@ Flickr


#1 歌曲
#2 歌詞

#3 相關音樂

Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag單曲版// 圖片來源Wikimedia

Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag (1965) – James Brown

Come here sister, Papa’s in the swing
He ain’t too hip, about that new breed babe
He ain’t no drag
Papa’s got a brand new bag

Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag (1965) – James Brown

大家好,今天為大家介紹的歌曲是來自James Brown 的Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag,在1965年唱出。歌曲分為兩部份:Part I 及Part II,歌曲總長達4分鐘,類型屬於R&B及靈魂樂,填詞作曲到製作都由James Brown獨自打理。值得一提的是,該歌曲成為James Brown第一首打入Billboard熱門音樂榜頭十位,在當時長期位於榜中的高位,更成為R&B音樂榜中的第一位歌曲。除此之外,更獲得格來美最佳R&B音樂及列入滾石雜誌音樂榜等高度殊榮。

本來歌曲長達7分鐘,但經過一番修改後。刪減了原本歌曲起首的一大部份,更加快了歌曲的節奏。另外,有指James Brown是「1 Take」過完成歌曲錄製,沒有充分的準備,一邊錄製一邊看著樂譜及歌詞。至於在歌名方面,Papa’s Got A Brand New Bag當中的「Bag」在當時是俚語,是指生活模式或風格,所以「New Bag」是指一種全新的生活模式或風格。

資料來源: SongFacts


填詞作曲到製作都由James Brown一人打理

Come here sister, Papa’s in the swing
He ain’t too hip, about that new breed babe
He ain’t no drag
Papa’s got a brand new bag

Come here mama, and dig this crazy scene
He’s not too fancy, but his line is pretty clean
He ain’t no drag
Papa’s got a brand new bag

It’s the Jerk
He’s doing the Fly
Don’t play him cheap ’cause you know he ain’t shy
He’s doing the Monkey, the Mashed Potatoes
Jump back Jack, See you later alligator

Come here sister
Papa’s in the swing
He ain’t too hip now
But I can dig that new breed babe
He ain’t no drag
He’s got a brand new bag

Oh papa, He’s doing the Jerk
Papa, he’s doing the Jerk
He’s doing the twist, just like this
He’s doing the Fly every day and every night
The thing’s, like the Boomerang
Hey, come on
Hey hey, come on
Hey hey, said you uptight, out of sight
Come on, see what you know
Come on, see what you know

(Source from:
