Awaiting On You All – George Harrison:歌詞及意思

Awaiting On You All (1970) – George Harrison
You don’t need no love in
Awaiting On You All (1970) – George Harrison
You don’t need no bed pan
You don’t need a horoscope or a microscope
The see the mess that you’re in
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We’ve been polluted so long
Now here’s a way for you to get clean
歌曲 Awaiting On You All,由英國著名樂隊 The Beatles 成員 George Harrison 在1970年唱出。歌曲長達2分45秒,類型屬於 Rock 搖滾,填詞作曲都是由 George Harrison,歌曲被收錄於專輯《All Things Must Pass》。
歌曲主要是關於宗教及信仰,George Harrison 比較認同與上帝的直接關係多於受到宗教的宗旨約束。從小到大都受到天主教的影響,受到印度教啟發,令他推翻之前的信仰。
填詞作曲由 George Harrison
You don’t need no love in
You don’t need no bed pan
You don’t need a horoscope or a microscope
The see the mess that you’re in
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We’ve been polluted so long
Now here’s a way for you to get clean
By chanting the names of the Lord and you’ll be free
The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the Lord and you’ll be free
The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
You don’t need no passport
And you don’t need no visas
You don’t need to designate or to emigrate
Before you can see Jesus
If you open up your heart
You’ll see he’s right there
Always was and will be
He’ll relieve you of your cares
By chanting the names of the Lord and you’ll be free
The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
Chanting the names of the Lord and you’ll be free
The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
You don’t need no church house
And you don’t need no Temple
You don’t need no rosary beads or them books to read
To see that you have fallen
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
We’ve been kept down so long
Someone’s thinking that we’re all green
And while the Pope owns fifty one percent of General Motors
And the stock exchange is the only thing he’s qualified to quote us
The Lord is awaiting on you all to awaken and see
By chanting the names of the Lord and you’ll be free