Dead End Street – The Kinks:歌詞及意思

Dead End Street (1966) – The Kinks
People live on dead end street
Dead End Street (1966) – The Kinks
(Dead end!)
People are dying on dead end street
(Dead end!)
Gonna die on dead end street
今天會為大家介紹的歌曲會是Dead End Street,由英國樂隊The Kink在1966發行唱片,屬於搖滾類型,歌曲長達3分20秒,填詞作曲由樂隊主音Ray Davies負責。Dead End Street有很大程度受到當時英國音樂廳文化影響,MV取景在一條小街Little Green Street,位於北倫敦的Kentish Town。另外,在樂器方面結他受到50年代Duane Eddy前人的結他技術影響。歌曲本來打算推出單曲版本,但後來卻收錄於精選專輯《Face to face》中。至於歌曲的主題關於英國社會低下階層的貧困問題及悲慘的生活。
Dave Davies 曾經在1996年的自傳提到,Dead End Street對他而言,是相當優雅的作品,充滿個性及感染力。特別在於歌曲中的意思,即使不知道是否存有一線希望,但仍堅定及渴望去改變自己貧困及艱辛的生活。另外,以痛苦的聲音喚醒這個無情的世界。
其後,另一隊英國樂隊The Clash出後,推出的London Calling是受到Dead End Street的啟發。
填詞作曲由樂隊主音Ray Davies一手包辨
There’s a crack up in the ceiling
And the kitchen sink is leaking
Out of work and got no money
A Sunday joint of bread and honey
What are we living for?
Two-roomed apartment on the second floor
No money coming in
The rent collector’s knocking, trying to get in
We are strictly second class
We don’t understand
Why we should be on dead end street
(Dead end!)
People are living on dead end street
(Dead end!)
Gonna die on dead end street
Dead end street (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
On a cold and frosty morning
Wipe my eyes and stop me yawning
And my feet are nearly frozen
Boil the tea and put some toast on
What are we living for?
Two-roomed apartment on the second floor
No chance to emigrate
I’m deep in debt and now it’s much too late
We both want to work so hard
We can’t get the chance
People live on dead end street
(Dead end!)
People are dying on dead end street
(Dead end!)
Gonna die on dead end street
Dead end street (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
People live on dead end street
(Dead end!)
People are dying on dead end street
(Dead end!)
Gonna die on dead end street
Dead end street (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
Head to my feet (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
How’s it feel? (yeah!)
How’s it feel? (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
Dead end street (yeah!)
(歌詞來源: musixmatch)