In the Midnight Hour – Wilson Pickett:歌詞及意思

In the Midnight Hour (1965)- Wilson Pickett
I’m gonna wait ’til the stars come out
In the Midnight Hour (1965)- Wilson Pickett
And see that twinkle in your eyes
I’m gonna wait ’til the midnight hour
That’s when my love begins to shine
歌曲In the Midnight Hour,是由Wilson Pickett在1965唱出。歌曲長達2分30秒,類型屬於R&B及Soul 靈魂樂,填詞作曲由Wilson Pickett及Steve Cropper,歌曲版收錄於專輯《In the Midnight Hour》。被《滾石》雜誌列入500首歌曲之一。而在2017年,被(Library of Congress)國會圖書館以「文化、歷史、美學元素」,列入美國國家錄音部保育名單。
填詞作曲由Wilson Pickett及Steve Cropper
I’m gonna wait ’til the midnight hour
That’s when my love come tumbling down
I’m gonna wait ’til the midnight hour
When there’s no one else around
I’m gonna take you, girl, and hold you
And do all things I told you, in the midnight hour
Yes I am, oh, yes I am
One more thing I just wanna say right here
I’m gonna wait ’til the stars come out
And see that twinkle in your eyes
I’m gonna wait ’til the midnight hour
That’s when my love begins to shine
You’re the only girl I know
That really love me so, in the midnight hour
Oh yeah, in the midnight hour
Yeah, alright, play it for me one time now
I’m gonna wait ’til the midnight hour
That’s when my love come tumbling down
I’m gonna wait, way in the midnight hour
That’s when my love begin to shine, just you and I
Oh, baby, huh, just you and I
Nobody around, baby, just you and I
Alright, you know what?
I’m gonna hold you in my arms, just you and I
Oh yeah, in the midnight hour
Oh baby, in the midnight hour