Rock Lobster – The B-52’s:歌詞及意思
Rock Lobster (1978) – The B-52’s
Motion in the ocean
Rock Lobster (1978) – The B-52’s
His air hose broke
Lots of trouble
Lots of bubble
He was in a jam
S’in a giant clam
Rock rock
Rock lobster
歌曲 Rock Lobster,由美國新浪潮組合 The B-52’s 在1978年唱出。歌曲長達4分52秒,類型屬於 New Wave 新浪潮 及 Dance Rock, 填詞作曲由組合成員 Fred Schneider 及 Ricky Wilson,歌曲被收錄於組合首張專輯《The B-52’s》。
成為了組合 最知名的作品,被《滾石》雜誌列入 500 首最佳歌曲之一,更是小編推薦的歌曲之一,非常喜歡歌曲的節奏編排。歌詞是關於一場 沙灘派對,現實與想像出來的海洋哺乳動物。
填詞作曲由組合成員 Fred Schneider 及 Ricky Wilson
We were at a party
His earlobe fell in the deep
Someone reached in and grabbed it
It was a rock lobster
Rock lobster
Rock lobster
We were at the beach
Everybody had matching towels
Somebody went under a dock
And there they saw a rock
It wasn’t a rock
It was a rock lobster
Rock lobster
Rock lobster
Rock lobster
Rock lobster
Motion in the ocean
His air hose broke
Lots of trouble
Lots of bubble
He was in a jam
S’in a giant clam
Rock rock
Rock lobster
Down, down
Lobster rock
Lobster rock
Let’s rock!
Boy’s in bikinis
Girls in surfboards
Everybody’s rockin’
Everybody’s fruggin’
Twistin’ ’round the fire
Havin’ fun
Bakin’ potatoes
Bakin’ in the sun
Put on your noseguard
Put on the Lifeguard
Pass the tanning butter
Here comes a stingray
There goes a manta-ray
In walked a jelly fish
There goes a dog-fish
Chased by a cat-fish
In flew a sea robin
Watch out for that piranha
There goes a narwhal
Here comes a bikini whale!
Rock lobster
Rock lobster
Rock lobster
Rock lobster