Tin Soldier – The Small Faces:歌詞及意思

Tin Soldier (1967) – The Small Faces
I am a little tin soldier
Tin Soldier (1967) – The Small Faces
That wants to jump into your fire
You are a look in your eye
A dream passing by in the sky
本日歌曲,Tin Soldier,由英國樂隊The Small Faces在1967年推出。歌曲長達3分06秒,屬於Power Pop、Hard Rock及Psychedelic Rock。填詞作曲由樂隊主音Steve Marriott及成員Ronnie Lane負責。本來歌曲是Steve Marriott寫給P.P. Arnold發行,但後來Steve Marriott愛不釋手,決定由樂隊演唱。而歌手P.P. Arnold在樂隊演唱時,擔任嘉賓和聲。而歌曲的誕生是因為Steve Marriott寫給當時妻子Jenny Rylance。歌曲雖然代表他們繼續涉足Psychedelic Rock風格,但仍然保留著樂隊原本的R&B風格。在當時英國音樂排行榜有不錯的成績,成為其中一首The Small Faces的較著名的歌曲。
當Tin Soldier推出之後,引起了一個很大的誤會。被BBC廣播刪減了歌中的最後一句,原因是錯誤理解歌中的歌詞,誤解為Sleep with you,但其實是Sit With You(歌詞沒有顯示,和聲部分)。Steve Marriott亦都有解話,歌曲著重於心理上的滿足,並不是著重於肉體上。
有指歌曲受到安徒生童話故事影響,故事為堅定的小錫兵,歌曲的開頭歌詞為 I am a little tin soldier that wants to jump into your fire,與安徒生童話故事有關聯。
填詞作曲由樂隊主音Steve Marriott及成員Ronnie Lane負責。
I am a little tin soldier
That wants to jump into your fire
You are a look in your eye
A dream passing by in the sky
I don’t understand
All I need is treat me like a man
‘Cause I ain’t no child
Take me like I am
I got to know that I belong to you
Do anything that you want to do
Sing any song that you want me to sing to you
I don’t need no aggravation
I just got to make you
I just got to make you my occupation
I got to know that I belong to you
Do anything that you want to do
Sing any song that you want me to sing to you
All I need is your whispered hello
Smiles melting the snow nothing heard
Your eyes are deeper than time
Say a love that won’t rhyme without words
So now I’ve lost my way
I need help to show me things to say
Give me your love before mine fades away
I got to know that I belong to you
Do anything that you want to do
Sing any song that you want me to sing to you
Oh no no
I just want some reaction
Someone to give me satisfaction
All I want to do is stick with you
‘Cause I love you
(資料來源: musixmatch)