Get Up (I Feel Like Being A) Sex Machine – James Brown:歌詞及意思



#1 歌曲
#2 歌詞
#3 翻唱

Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine (1970) – James Brown

Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up

Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine (1970) – James Brown

歌曲 Get Up (I Feel Like Being a) Sex Machine,由歌手 James Brown 在 1970 年唱出。Part 1 歌曲長達2分59秒 Part 2歌曲長達2分33秒,類型屬於 Funk 放克, 填詞作曲由 James Brown、Bobby Byrd 及 Ron Lenhoff。

在當時,歌曲登上美國流行歌曲排行榜 Billboard Hot 100,及登上 R&B 分類 第二位的排名。期後,歌曲被《滾石》雜誌列入500首最佳歌曲之一。 Sex Machine 成為了 James Brown及他的團隊 第一首作品。

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填詞作曲由 James Brown、Bobby Byrd 及 Ron Lenhoff

Fellas, I’m ready to get up and do my thing (yeah go ahead!)
I wanta get into it, man, you know (go ahead!)
Like a, like a sex machine, man, (yeah go ahead!)
Movin’ and doin’ it, you know
Can I count it off? (Go ahead)
One, two, three, four!

Get up, (get on up)
Get up, (get on up)
Stay on the scene, (get on up), like a sex machine, (get on up)
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Stay on the scene, (get on up), like a sex machine, (get on up)
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Stay on the scene, (get on up), like a sex machine, (get on up)

Wait a minute!
Shake your arm, then use your form
Stay on the scene like a sex machine
You got to have the feeling sure as you’re born
Get it together, right on, right on

Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up

You said, you said you got the
You said the feeling you got to get
You give me the fever ‘n’ a cold sweat
The way I like, it is the way it is
I got mine ‘n’ don’t worry ’bout his

Get up, get on up
Stay on the scene, (get on up), like a sex machine, (get on up)
Get up, get on up
Stay on the scene, (get on up), like a sex machine, (get on up)

Bobby! Should I take ’em to the bridge?
(Go Ahead!)
Take ’em on to the bridge!
(Take em to the bridge!)
Should I take ’em to the bridge?
Take ’em to the bridge?
(Go Ahead!)
Hit me now!
Come on!

Stay on the scene, like a sex machine!
The way I like it is, is the way it is
I got mine, (dig it!), he got his

Stay on the scene, like a lovin’ machine
Stay on the scene, like a lovin’ machine
Stay on the scene

I wanna count it off one more time now
(Go ahead!)
You wanna hear it like it did on the top fellas?
Hear it like it did on the top?
Hit it now!

Get on up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Get on up, get on up

Stay on the scene, like a lovin’ machine
Get up, get on up

Taste, (get on up)
Bein’, (get on up)
Taste, (get on up)
Bein’, (get on up)

Get up, get on up
Get up, get on up
Stay on the scene, like a sex machine

You gotta have the feelin, (get on up)
Sure as you’re born, (get on up)
Get it together, right on, right on
Right on, right on, (right on, right on)

Get up, (get on up)
Get up, (get on up)
And then, shake your money maker
Shake your money maker

Can we hit it like we did one more time, from the top
Can we hit like that one more time
(One more time!)
One more time!
Let’s hit it and quit! (Go ahead!)
Can we hit it and quit? (Yeah!)
Hit it!





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