Street Fighting Man – The Rolling Stones:歌詞及意思

Street Fighting Man (1968) – The Rolling Stones
Well now, what can a poor boy do?
Street Fighting Man (1968) – The Rolling Stones
‘Cept to sing for a rock-n-roll band
‘Cause in sleepy London town
There’s just no place for a street fighting man
歌曲Street Fighting Man,是由英國著名樂隊The Rollig Stones在1968年唱出。歌曲長達3分09秒,類型屬於Hard Rock硬式搖滾、Rock and Roll 及 Raga Rock 雷鬼搖滾, 填詞作曲由 Jagger/Richards (Mick Jagger 及 Keith Richards)拍擋組合。歌曲被收錄於專輯《Beggars Banquet》。歌曲被喻為是樂隊眾多作品中,充滿政治味道的歌曲。另外,更被《滾石》雜誌列入500首最佳歌曲之一。
歌曲節奏的靈感主要是受到警察的警報聲啟發,而歌名本來為"Did Everyone Pay Their Dues",後來成為另一個作品,歌曲節奏旋律一樣歌詞不一樣,但意思主要圍繞暴力議題。
歌曲都被指為最具政治味道的歌曲,據稱Mick Jagger可能是因為當時社運人士Tariq Ali 在1968年英國美國領事館的反戰集會一事,當時受到大批警力控制場面。
另外,創作靈感亦都受到1968年法國五月風暴啟發,當時(Paris ‘Left Bank)巴黎左岸區警方暴力鎮壓大批學生及社運人士,當中公民抗命的行為引來極大迴響。
填詞作曲由 Jagger/Richards (Mick Jagger 及 Keith Richards)拍擋組合
Everywhere I hear the sound of marchin’, chargin’ feet, boy
‘Cause summer’s here, and the time is right
For fighting in the street, boy
Well now, what can a poor boy do?
‘Cept to sing for a rock-n-roll band
‘Cause in sleepy London town
There’s just no place for a street fighting man
Hey, think the time is right for a violent revolution
But where I live, the game to play is compromise solution
Well now, what can a poor boy do?
‘Cept to sing for a rock-n-roll band
‘Cause in sleepy London town
There’s just no place for a street fighting man
Get down
Hey, said my name is called disturbance
I’ll shout and scream
I’ll kill the king, I’ll rail at all his servants
Well now, what can a poor boy do?
‘Cept to sing for a rock-n-roll band
‘Cause in sleepy London town
There’s just no place for a street fighting man
Get down