Walk Away Renee – The Left Banke

Walk Away Renee (1966) – The Left Banke
Just walk away Renee
Walk Away Renee (1966) – The Left Banke
You won’t see me follow you back home
The empty sidewalks on my block are not the same
You’re not to blame
歌曲Walk Away Renee,由美國樂隊The Left Banke在1966年唱出。歌曲長達2分43秒,類型屬於Baroque pop 巴洛克流行樂,填詞作曲由樂隊成員鍵盤手Michael Brown、Bob Calilli及Tony Sansone負責,歌曲被收錄於專輯《Walk Away Renée/Pretty Ballerina》。歌曲成功擠進了全美音樂排行榜中,隨後被《滾石》雜誌列入500首最佳歌曲之一。翻唱版本有The Four Tops 及 Rick Price。更被大眾喻為是Baroque pop 巴洛克流行樂的代表作品之一。
其中一位歌曲創作者,Michael Brown表示作品是寫給她,Renée Fladen Kamm,是一首表白的歌曲。相反,另一位創作人Tony Sansone表示歌曲的名稱是隨機選出的英文名,這樣好比The Beatles的作品”Michelle”一樣。
填詞作曲由Michael Brown、Bob Calilli及Tony Sansone負責
And when I see the sign that points one way
The lot we used to pass by every day
Just walk away Renee
You won’t see me follow you back home
The empty sidewalks on my block are not the same
You’re not to blame
From deep inside the tears that I’m forced to cry
From deep inside the pain that I chose to hide
Just walk away Renee
You won’t see me follow you back home
Now as the rain beats down upon my weary eyes
For me it cries
Just walk away Renee
You won’t see me follow you back home
Now as the rain beats down upon my weary eyes
For me it cries
Your name and mine inside a heart upon a wall
Still finds a way to haunt me, though they’re so small
Just walk away Renee
You won’t see me follow you back home
The empty sidewalks on my block are not the same
You’re not to blame