Israelites – Dekker & The Aces:歌詞及意思

Israelites (1968) – Dekker & The Aces
After a storm there must be a calm
Israelites (1968) – Dekker & The Aces
They catch me in the farm
You sound your alarm
Poor me Israelites
Poor me Israelites, poor me Israelites, poor me Israelites
歌曲Israelites在1968年推出,由Desmond Dekker & The Aces唱出,歌曲長達2分47秒,屬於雷鬼音樂類型。填詞作曲由Desmond Dekker 及 Leslie Kong負責,成為在美音樂排行榜知名的牙買加雷鬼音樂。該歌曲在多個地方音樂排行榜熱播,而且在英美音樂排行榜為首張單曲,以雷鬼音樂類型擠進當時較高的名次。歌曲在當時與拉斯塔法里運動有關係,更被大眾喻為不受國界限制的永恆傑作。
歌曲靈感源於,有一天Desmond Dekker在公園散步,聽到一對情侶為了金錢的事在吵架。受到這一件事的影響,所以歌曲才有”I said I get up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir”這一句的想法,早起床是為了麵包而奴役。
填詞作曲由 Desmond Dekker 及 Leslie Kong
Get up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir
So that every mouth can be fed
Poor me Israelites, ah
Get up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir
So that every mouth can be fed
Poor me Israelite
My wife and my kids, they packed up and leave me
Darling, she said, I was yours to be seen
Poor me Israelites
Shirt them a-tear up, trousers is gone
I don’t want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde
Poor me Israelites
After a storm there must be a calm
They catch me in the farm
You sound your alarm
Poor me Israelites
I said I get up in the morning, slaving for bread, sir
So that every mouth can be fed
Poor me Israelites
I said my wife and my kids, they are packed up and leave me
Darling, she said, I was yours to be seen
Poor me Israelites
Look me shirts them a-tear up, trousers are gone
I don’t want to end up like Bonnie and Clyde
Poor me Israelites
After a storm there must be a calm
They catch me in the farm
You sound your alarm
Poor me Israelites
Poor me Israelites, poor me Israelites, poor me Israelites