Just Like Heaven – The Cure:歌詞及意思



#1 歌曲
#2 歌詞
#3 翻唱

歌曲 Just Like Heaven 被收錄於專輯《Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me》
歌曲 Just Like Heaven 被收錄於專輯《Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me》

Just Like Heaven (1987) – The Cure

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You’re just like a dream
You’re just like a dream

Just Like Heaven (1987) – The Cure

歌曲 Just Like Heaven,由英國 另類搖滾(alternative rock) 樂隊 The Cure 在 1987 年唱出。歌曲長達 3分32秒,類型屬於 Gothic Rock 歌德搖滾 及 Post-Punk 後龐克,填詞作曲由樂隊成員 Robert Smith、Simon Gallup、Porl Thompson、Boris Williams 及 Lol Tolhurst,歌曲被收錄於專輯《Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me》。歌曲在法國南部用了很長的時間製作唱片。在當時,歌曲成功登上美國流行歌曲排行榜 Billboard Hot 100,更被《滾石》雜誌列入500首最佳歌曲之一。

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填詞作曲由樂隊成員 Robert Smith、Simon Gallup、Porl Thompson、Boris Williams 及 Lol Tolhurst

“Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick
The one that makes me scream” she said
“The one that makes me laugh” she said
And threw her arms around my neck

Show me how you do it
And I promise you I promise that
I’ll run away with you
I’ll run away with you

Spinning on that dizzy edge
I kissed her face and kissed her head
And dreamed of all the different ways I had
To make her glow
Why are you so far away, she said
Why won’t you ever know that I’m in love with you
That I’m in love with you

Soft and only
Lost and lonely
Strange as angels
Dancing in the deepest oceans
Twisting in the water
You’re just like a dream
You’re just like a dream

Daylight licked me into shape
I must have been asleep for days
And moving lips to breathe her name
I opened up my eyes

And found myself alone, alone
Alone above a raging sea
That stole the only girl I loved
And drowned her deep inside of me

Soft and lonely
Lost and lonely
Just like heaven





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