Move Your Body (The House Music Anthem) – Marshall Jefferson
Move Your Body (The House Music Anthem) (1986) – Marshall Jefferson
I wanna see all the ladies out there
Move Your Body (The House Music Anthem) (1986) – Marshall Jefferson
Shaking that body
Yeah, shake it baby
歌曲 Move Your Body,由美國歌手 Marshall Jefferson 在1968年唱出。歌曲長達7分38秒,類型屬於 Chicago 芝加哥浩室,填詞作曲由 Marshall Jefferson。
美國歌手 Marshall Jefferson 是搖滾樂隊的在熱粉絲,喜歡樂隊Black Sabbath、Led Zeppelin 及 Deep Purple,更喜歡芝加哥音樂箱 Music Box 俱樂部,啟發了 Move your body 靈感。
填詞作曲由 Marshall Jefferson
I wanna see all the ladies out there
Shaking that body
Yeah, shake it baby
Gotta have house music all night long
With that house music, you can’t go wrong
Give me that house music to set me free
Lost in house music is where I wanna be
Move your body
(Move your body)
(Move your body)
(Move your body)
(Move your body)
(Rock your body)
(Rock your body)
(Rock your body)
(Rock your body)
(Move your body)
(Move your body)
(Move your body)
(Move your body)
(Rock your body)
(Rock your body)
(Rock your body)
(Rock your body)
Gotta have house music all night long
With that house music, you can’t go wrong
Give me that house music to set me free
Lost in house music is where I wanna be
Move your body
Gotta have house music all night long
With that house music, you can’t go wrong
Give me that house music to set me free
Lost in house music is where I wanna be
Move your body
(Move your body)
(Move your body) It’s gonna set you free
(Move your body)
(Move your body) It’s gonna set you free
(Rock your body)
(Rock your body) It’s gonna set you free
(Rock your body)
Music’s gonna set you free (Rock your body)