Sunny Afternoon – The Kinks:歌詞及意思
Sunny Afternoon (1966) – The Kinks
Lazing on a sunny afternoon
Sunny Afternoon (1966) – The Kinks
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
今天為大家介紹的歌曲是Sunny Afternoon,由英國樂隊The Kinks在1966年唱出,歌曲長達3分36秒,屬於Rock類型。填詞作曲由樂隊主音Ray Davies親自打理,歌曲被收錄於專輯《Face to face》。歌曲在當時英國音樂榜連續兩週位於榜首的位置,歐美等地同樣有一個不錯的成績。另外,歌曲被美國音樂媒體Pitchfork 列入1960年200首最偉大歌曲之一。
樂隊主音Ray Davies表示,歌曲意思主要是關於邪惡的財富分配,他覺得相當不公平的原因是貴族能不勞而獲就可以獲得一筆巨額資金(Old Money)。歌曲與Sunny Afternoon沒有很大的關係,想不到的是Ray Davies運用借喻,歌曲中主角就是那些邪惡的貴族。主角是一個無恥混蛋,在喝酒後與他女朋友打架的無賴醉漢。
My girlfriend’s run off with my car
And gone back to her ma and pa
Telling tails of drunkenness and cruelty
Now I’m sitting here
Sipping at my ice cold beer
Lazing on a sunny afternoon
據稱,Ray Davies 形容該歌曲是他們樂隊中最有氣氛的歌曲,而且在製作過程是相當之快。他指錄製該歌曲印象相當深刻,特別在錄製該歌曲的時候患了重感冒,但基於時間限制,歌曲被逼「一Take過」完成錄製歌曲。在收聽錄製版本後,他表示他只有22歲但錄製的版本聽起來像40多歲的工人一樣。他更分享當時一歲女兒是正在學爬行的階段,而自己則在創作該歌曲起首的Riff,相當忙碌。
在歌曲中的的一段Big Fat Mama:
Ah, save me, save me, save me from this squeeze
I gotta big fat mama trying to break me
Ray Davies 分享歌曲中的 Big Fat Mama 是指他母親,因為她身型龐大而稱為Big Fat。另外,他亦說或多或少都有暗示,不滿當時大英政府的政策。該歌曲就好比,The Beatles的作品Tax Man一樣,以歌曲表示不滿當時英國政府工黨(Labour Party)的稅收政策
填詞作曲由樂隊主音Ray Davies一手包辨
The tax man’s taken all my dough
And left me in my stately home
Lazing on a sunny afternoon
And I can’t sail my yacht
He’s taken everything I got
All I’ve got’s this sunny afternoon
Save me, save me, save me from this squeeze
I gotta big fat mama trying to break me
And I love to live so pleasantly
Live this life of luxury
Lazing on a sunny afternoon
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
My girlfriend’s run off with my car
And gone back to her ma and pa
Telling tails of drunkenness and cruelty
Now I’m sitting here
Sipping at my ice cold beer
Lazing on a sunny afternoon
Help me, help me, help me sail away
Well give me two good reasons why I oughta stay
‘Cause I love to live so pleasantly
Live this life of luxury
Lazing on a sunny afternoon
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
Ah, save me, save me, save me from this squeeze
I gotta big fat mama trying to break me
And I love to live so pleasantly
Live this life of luxury
Lazing on a sunny afternoon
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime
In the summertime