Pressure Drop – Toots & The Maytals:歌詞及意思




#1 歌曲
#2 歌詞
#3 翻唱

Pressure Drop (1970) – Toots & The Maytals

I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you
I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you

Pressure Drop (1968) – Toots & The Maytals

今天的歌曲是Pressure Drop,由牙買加組合 Toots & The Maytals 在1968年。歌曲大約長達3分49秒,音樂類型屬於雷鬼(Reggae),作曲填詞由組合主音Frederick “Toots” Hibbert。該歌曲紅遍全球,令牙買加組合聲名大噪,更被荷里活電影用作電影配樂。

除此之外,歌曲被滾石雜誌列入500首最偉大歌曲之一,產生不少翻唱版本,當中包括樂隊The Specials,The Clash及The Rolling Stones 樂隊成員 Keith Richards 版本。在流行文化方面,被2004年遊戲俠盜獵車手用作電台音效。

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填詞作曲由Frederick “Toots” Hibbert

It is you (oh yeah)
It is you, you (oh yeah)
It is you (oh yeah)

I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you
I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you

I say and when it drops, oh you gonna, feel it
Know that you were doing wrong
I say when it drops, oh you gonna, feel it
Know that you were doing wrong

I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you
I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you

It is you (oh yeah)
It is you, you (oh yeah)
It is you, you (oh yeah)

I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you.
I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you.

I say and when it drops, oh you gonna, feel it
Pressure pressure pressure pressure
Pressure drops, oh pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
I say a pressure drop, oh pre-, oh, oh
Pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
Pressure pressure gonna drop on you you you you
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you
I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure drop a drop on you
I say a pressure drop, oh pressure

Oh yeah, pressure gonna drop on you you you you
Pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
Pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
Pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
Pressure pressure pressure pressure going to drop on you
Pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure
Pressure going to drop on you
I say a pressure drop, oh pressure
Oh yeah, pressure gonna drop on you


The Special 版本

The Clash 版本

The Rolling Stones 樂隊成員 Keith Richards 版本




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