Your Love Keeps Lifting Me Higher and higher – Jackie Wilson:歌詞及意思

(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher (1967) – Jackie Wilson
You know your love (your love keeps lifting me)
(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher (1967) – Jackie Wilson
Keep on lifting (love keeps lifting me)
Higher (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
I said your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on (love keeps lifting me)
Lifting me (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
歌曲(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher 在1967年,由Jackie Wilson唱出。歌曲長達2分59秒,屬於芝加哥靈魂樂類型,填詞作曲由Gary Jackson、Raynard Miner及Carl Smith。歌曲被收錄於專輯《Higher and Higher》,曾經擠進R&B及Pop類型音樂排行榜頭十名。
當時的製作團隊成員大多數是摩城唱片(Motown Records)旗下的音樂人,當中包括貝斯手、結他手、鼓手及鍵盤手。而Earth, Wind & Fire組合的主音Maurice White亦在歌曲錄製時,擔任鼓手一職。
歌曲本來是由黑人組合 The Dells 唱出,但寫好了的歌曲並沒有推出市場。經過其中一位創作人Gary Jackson及製作人Carl Davis的決定,最終由Jackie Wilson唱出及推出唱片。
有趣之處,歌曲(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher And Higher 在今年2021年的Facebook廣告中出現。
填詞作曲由Gary Jackson、Raynard Miner及Carl Smith
Your love, lifting me higher
Than I’ve ever been lifted before
So keep it it up
Quench my desire
And I’ll be at your side, forever more
You know your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on lifting (love keeps lifting me)
Higher (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
I said your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on (love keeps lifting me)
Lifting me (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
Now once, I was down-hearted
Disappointment, was my closest friend
But then you, came and it soon departed
And you know he never
Showed his face again
That’s why your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on lifting (love keeps lifting me)
Higher (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
I said your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on (love keeps lifting me)
Lifting me (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
I’m so glad, I’ve finally found you
Yes that one, in a million girls
And I whip, my loving arms around you, honey
I can stand up, and face the world
Let me tell ya, your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on lifting (love keeps lifting me)
Higher (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
I said your love (your love keeps lifting me)
Keep on (love keeps lifting me)
Lifting me (lifting me)
Higher and higher (higher)
Now sock it to me
Hold me, you’re my woman
Keep my love going
Higher and higher
I said keep on lifting
Lift me up mama