Stand! – Sly and the Family Stone:歌詞及意思

Stand! (1969) – Sly and the Family Stone
Stand! (1969) – Sly and the Family Stone
For the things you know are right
It’s the truth that the truth makes them so uptight
All the things you want are real
You have you to complete and there is no deal
歌曲 Stand!,是由美國多元組合Sly and the Family Stone在1969年唱出。歌曲長達3分08秒,音樂類型屬於Psychedelic Soul 迷幻靈魂樂及 Funk 放克, 填詞作曲由組合主音Sly Stone一手包辦,歌曲被收錄於同名專輯《Stand!》。當時成功擠進音樂排行榜Billboard排行榜—熱門靈魂樂類別50名內,隨後更被《滾石》雜誌列入500首最佳歌曲之一。
填詞作曲由組合主音Sly Stone一手包辦
In the end you’ll still be you
One that’s done all the things you set out to do
There’s a cross for you to bear
Things to go through if you’re going anywhere
For the things you know are right
It’s the truth that the truth makes them so uptight
All the things you want are real
You have you to complete and there is no deal
Stand! Stand! Ooh!
Stand! Stand! Ooh!
Ooo ooo stand!
You’ve been sitting much too long
There’s a permanent crease in your right and wrong
There’s a midget standing tall
And a giant beside him about to fall
Stand! Stand! Ooh!
Stand! Stand! Ooh!
Ooo ooo stand!
They will try to make you crawl
And they know what you’re saying makes sense and all
Don’t you know that you are free
Well at least in your mind if you want to be
Stand! Stand!
Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah
Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah
Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah
Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah
Stand! Na na na na na na na na na nah